Our Journey
To contribute to the growth, expansion and prosperity of the church as the greatest entity on Earth. To become disciples and true worshippers of the Lord Jesus.
1989 - 2001
Anointed Christian Teaching Seminars began (A.C.T.S.). One conference was held each year.
Ps David Swan, from Malaysia, encouraged Ps Judith to establish A.C.T.S. as a church.  Sydney House Of Worship (S.H.O.W.) was birthed and our first meeting was held on   26th August.
The church was re-named “Kingdom Covenant Church Australia”
Our new name was established:  “The Blessing”
Blessings at The Blessing
Since our beginning in 2001, we have been blessed by many Godly and  anointed speakers:  for example - Ps David Swan (Malaysia), Aquila Nash (Texas), David Van Koevering (USA),  Kathy Walters (England), and Dr Pat Francis (Canada) as well as plenty of  Australians – Dan Nolan, Terry Cahill, Raf Shaw and Amanda Wells, to name  just a few. Many spoke at our conferences or our School of Prophets which were held between 2008 & 2013.
“ And every day, in the Temple and from house to house, they continued to teach and preach this message: “Jesus is the Messiah.”  Acts 5: 42  (NLT) “…

and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ.”   Col. 1:28 (NLT)